Manufacturer & Exporters of Laboratory Testing Instruments

A. C. Module

A. C. Module

It is useful in Front of Air Conditioner to provide a sterile, bacteria free & dust free Air of 0.3 microns in a particular temperature. It works on the Laminar Air Flow Principle.

HEPA of 0.3µ of an efficiency of 99.97% down to 0.3µ media is of glass fiber & made of pleates back back & forth in an anodized aluminum frame.

  • Pre filter of dry fiber washable type with the frame of on all the sides.
  • Statically Balanced motor blower Assembly ( Heavy Duty)
  • Velocity at the output of HEPA is 90 + 20 FPM.
  • Wooden / M.S Duly Power Coated / Stainless Steel 304 Body.

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